Support The Mission
The Board has voted and the trails in the Pilot Project Zone are now LEGAL in perpetuity! Now we expect the trails to become ever MORE popular and that means MORE maintenance required! This demands dedicated Gnomes and Dig Day Crews just to keep up with the daily onslaught of both analog and eBikes and repair storm damage. This is where the Stewards of Briones need your help and support to cover the costs of tools, insurance, advocacy, and food for our volunteers.
We’re looking to the riding community of Briones first to help us raise funds to keep our trails running great. Think about it this way:
- How much would that $8K bike be worth to you if you had nowhere to ride it?
- How much do you pay for a day to ride Northstar?
- If you ride one day a week at Briones and ride 5 trails in that day a $25 donation in a year equates to less than a dime per trail.
- A $75 donation is less than a cup of coffee a month to keep your trails running great.
- Ride your bike several times a week pounding trails… you do the math.
Help us help you enjoy Briones. Donate today. We need your support to maintain your trails.

"My daughter is 9 and these are her favorite local trails to ride. Dig day was super fun and well organized too. Keep up the amazing work!"
"Thanks for the redirect on Sunday!"
"So nice to have legal advanced trails within a reasonable distance from home. I really appreciate all the work that’s been done in the last few years"
"I'm not living in the bay anymore. I think it's great what is happening. You guy's rock!"
"Congrats on the Approval Today! Hope to finally get out to a dig day soon!"
"Thank you!"
"Great news on the Pilot Project. Well done!"
"Showed up to an EBRPD dig day and met the crew!"
"Hell Yeah"
"Thank you guys for all the effort and advocacy. I feel fortunate that our local trails are so rad that I have little desire to ride anywhere else. Keep it up!"
"Me and my son love dig days!"
"Thank you for all you are doing for the trails and the MTB community!"
"Thanks SOB’s"
"Keep up the great work y’all are doing!"
"Thank you!!!"
"Thanks for the hard work, the vision, and the drive to make this the best network in the Bay!"
"Thank you trails are amazing"
"Thank you for what you are doing.
The trails are better than ever!"
"Thanks trail gnomes 🤟"
"Thanks for all the great work. You are loved and appreciated"
"Thank you for creating trails that creates awesome memories."
"Thanks for all your work SOB’s!."
"Thank you for all the work! I hope to help soon."
"Thank you stewards"
"Much love to the SOB posse and what they do!!!"
"You Rock"
"Thank you for the trail maintenance and access you work towards"
"The trails are 100x better than before! Thank you SOBs"
"Finally nice trails that are well maintained and even funner to ride!"
"Stoked to donate and dig! Thank you for making Briones great!"
Curl Dig Day Report
It was a year in the making that began during the tune up of Curl of the Burl last year. Identifying the existing fall line as unsustainable, the ‘’what-ifs’ began and led to months of discussions, trail walks, and meetings. Can we this here? Can we that there? Biologist reports. CEQA permitting. For a year. …
Supporting the SOBs | Holiday Party
It’s a wonderful time of year around the world, but especially here in Briones where we’ve kicked off the Holiday Season with our 2nd Annual Holiday Fundraiser. This annual Dad Bro gathering of the original Briones Patrol riding group has evolved over the past couple years to now become our annual Stewards of Briones fundraiser. We…
Texas Re-Toasted
Last Sunday gave us a short weather window to take advantage of still great working conditions to invest our efforts into the last trail of the Pilot Program to get a re-vamp. Utilizing the talents of our best 15 trail gnomes we made short work of clearing several storms of debris and trees and providing…
About Us
Stewards of Briones is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
Tax ID: 93-2812285
Mailing Address
2120 Contra Costa Blvd #1081
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523