Stewards Roundtable with EBRPD Staff

Leaders from the Stewards of Briones and East Bay Regional Parks Staff met in the Alhambra Valley ‘Crow’ Picnic area today to discuss and formalize the conditions of adopting the Stewards of Briones into the Briones Pilot Program as the Park District volunteer partner in trail maintenance. We are honored to accept this responsibility and humbled by the efforts of Park District staff to push this monumental development forward despite overwhelming political pressure to abstain from expanding legal access to mountain bikers on single track trails within the Park District. Conditions were set, procedures explained, and processes to document and record volunteer work activities and tasks were discussed. In attendance were park staff, Stewards of Briones Leadership, advisors from Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay (BTCEB), and members of the Briones Patrol Advisory Board. All left with a feeling of understanding and partnership with positive vibes looking toward the future of mountain biking in Briones.