Supporting the SOBs | Holiday Party

It’s a wonderful time of year around the world, but especially here in Briones where we’ve kicked off the Holiday Season with our 2nd Annual Holiday Fundraiser. This annual Dad Bro gathering of the original Briones Patrol riding group has evolved over the past couple years to now become our annual Stewards of Briones fundraiser. We rely on, and appreciate the generosity of our ride community, to help us fund the year’s efforts and associated expenses to maintain our legitimacy. This event is always special, renown for the Prime Rib dinner, Captains Report, and White Elephant Gift Exchange. Not to mention, wheel barrows full of beer, and this year a bicycle bar just to be sure we covered the hangover bases. It’s a damn good time and great way to celebrate everyone that has contributed to the effort to make the Briones Pilot Project a success that the rest of the State can point to and say …
“See! Mt. Bikers can work with the Government in a respectful and positive manner. All you have to do is let us build rad shit.”
And give us beer. We also need to drink beer.