Curl Dig Day Report

It was a year in the making that began during the tune up of Curl of the Burl last year.  Identifying the existing fall line as unsustainable, the ‘’what-ifs’ began and led to months of discussions, trail walks, and meetings.  Can we this here?  Can we that there? Biologist reports. CEQA permitting.  For a year.  Then, just as the Pilot Program was adopted,  the project to re-align the top of the trail was approved, and we got to work.  It took several weeks of planning, multiple on-site meetings of our incredible Trail Leads to flag out the proposed re-alignment that would turn 200 yards of tooth rattling, brake bump fall line, into three times as much switchback berm-deliciousness.  

Given the community showing up in record numbers for the first tune up of the season, we decided to increase the volunteer capacity to take advantage of a weather window that would provide us with the perfect working conditions and opportunity to make magic happen on the upper section of Curl of the Burl this past weekend.  The volunteers did not let us down.

The indefatigable community of Briones reached far and wide this day and help from as far away as Santa Cruz showed up in force to complement both the SOBs and East Bay Regional Parks District efforts.  We were well prepared to put their efforts to good use.  By the time the Mikes Bikes taco bell rang we had effectively transformed an empty barren knoll into a sculpted masterpiece of a flow trail that, when coupled with the amazing improvements from last season, could potentially give Curl of the Burl the title of Briones Best Trail.  But that, you will have to determine for yourself.