Curl Dig Day Report

It was a year in the making that began during the tune up of Curl of the Burl last year.  Identifying the existing fall line as unsustainable, the ‘’what-ifs’ began and led to months of discussions, trail walks, and meetings.  Can we this here?  Can we that there? Biologist reports. CEQA permitting.  For a year. …

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Texas Re-Toasted

Last Sunday gave us a short weather window to take advantage of still great working conditions to invest our efforts into the last trail of the Pilot Program to get a re-vamp.  Utilizing the talents of our best 15 trail gnomes we made short work of clearing several storms of debris and trees and providing…

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Crushed It!

While most of NorCal prepped their Super Bowl spread and headed off to the heartbreak, the SOB’s were on a mission to get to the bottom of Curl of the Burl.  Stoked to sneak a follow up dig day in we were anxious to take advantage of extended perfect working conditions.  Our trail artisans made…

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Epic Dirt makes for Epic Dig Days

The Weather Gods shined upon the SOB’s this past weekend as we assembled what could rightfully be considered our must successful dig day weekend to date. The SOBs were graced not only with a strong contingent from our regular staffers from the #BrionesPatrol, BootlegCrew, and BAMBi, but also with local shredders and up-and-coming rippers from…

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Slicing Cheese on Radio Tower

Unlike in the summer when Briones clay hardens like stone, Recent rains have made the Briones soil a joy to work with.  Taking advantage of a recent .05 inch pour the SOB’s eagerly got back into Radio Tower this past weekend to polish up recent improvements from the summer.  We were stoked to find the…

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This is the Hard Part

As is true with all things in life.  Compromise is a given to get most anything you want.  It was with this mindset that the Stewards of Briones agreed to be part of the ‘restoration’ of a beloved stretch of legitimate double black Briones hardline.  The trail formerly known as Cookies was surrendered back to…

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July 9th, Community Dig Day Report

The July Community Dig Day can only be described as a HUGE success!   This was truly a community effort with the work plan submitted by the Stewards of Briones, and reviewed and approved by district staff. The SOBs directed the work of 40 individuals that came out to help; MTB riders, HIkers, Trail Runners, volunteer…

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Temps Up, Dirt Dry, Stoke High!

Despite temps in the nineties the community still showed up with a full roster for the second East Bay Regional Parks Community Dig Day in June to restore the tread and perform weed abatement on the connector trail commonly known as Blue Oak Stoked in Briones Regional Park.  Volunteers from all user groups came together…

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