Crushed It!

While most of NorCal prepped their Super Bowl spread and headed off to the heartbreak, the SOB’s were on a mission to get to the bottom of Curl of the Burl. Stoked to sneak a follow up dig day in we were anxious to take advantage of extended perfect working conditions. Our trail artisans made quick work of recent cow damage and progressed to repair, and enhance, the rest of the line to the bottom to match up with the top line work done two weeks before.
All on all the entire trail was refreshed. We widened the tread / bench in critical areas known to get overgrown, installed additional drainage as needed and removed ruts that had formed in parts of the trail. All while properly re-touching every berm and bench to the bottom. We were stoked to welcome aboard a pair of local lady rippers, and were pleasantly surprised at their eagerness to move dirt. We’ll be sure to ping them for the next one.
Captains chili closed out the day with the stoke factor nearing 11. With everyone eager to sample the fully updated and polished trail, some weary legged builders took to a quick sample. The feedback was nothing short of awesome.
Rumor has it.. Curl of the Burl has reached it’s full potential. Let’s see how it all holds up with the cows and traffic we’ve been experiencing. Thanks to all that contributed and to the East Bay Regional Parks for giving us the opportunity and permission to provide our talents to this great trail system.