Epic Dirt makes for Epic Dig Days

The Weather Gods shined upon the SOB’s this past weekend as we assembled what could rightfully be considered our must successful dig day weekend to date. The SOBs were graced not only with a strong contingent from our regular staffers from the #BrionesPatrol, BootlegCrew, and BAMBi, but also with local shredders and up-and-coming rippers from two local youth mountain bike programs: the Contra Costa Composite and San Ramon Valley High School teams. They combined efforts over two days on two different trails to take advantage of perfect soil conditions for trail work.
And it is no exaggeration to boast… our trail artisans didn’t disappoint. Combined over two days, the SOB’s contributed more than 220 hours volunteer hours with more than 35 volunteers showing up over the scheduled and Park sanctioned weekend. Saturday, our ‘Pro Crew’ returned into B4 Radio Tower to assess storm damage, and continue to monitor erosion control efforts. While doing so we discovered the local rancher had installed a salt lick at the entry to the trail promoting cow migration up and down the trail. We repaired everything once again, and made significant efforts to direct their traffic off the trails. Hopefully we can get some help in relocating that livestock requirement.
Sunday saw our largest turn out to date with 31 volunteers showing up to put in work focusing for the first time in the Pilot Program, on B1 Curl of the Burl. We made significant improvements to the top half of the trail. Re-Establishing the original line at the top, closing off the ‘Strava Line’ that has developed, and improving the entry turn in to the traverse in what can only be described as the most beautiful berm to ever grace the soil of Briones. And that is only one of several that got major improvements, including widening the tread of the traverse, returning several features that had deteriorated with a few nice sculptured additions by our masterful craftsmen, as well as several drainage enhancements that recent storms had provided evidence of requirements.
We are truly fortunate to have the privilege of working on these trails afforded us by the East Bay Regionals Parks, and their support to make these trails great from a riders experience perspective. We are also blessed with the support of great riders, amazing builders, and great organizations to mentor us as we learn the political ropes with support from Bicycle Trails Council East Bay and the CA MTB Coalition. Special thanks to Mikes Bikes in Walnut Creek for not only stepping up to sponsor the Sunday Taco Feed, but for also showing up to help out with the shovels. We are honored to have such great support from pillars in the MTB community. Thanks to all that put in work. I think everyone can be proud of what we accomplished this weekend. For those of you that want to help, we are now able to take donations through our website.