Slicing Cheese on Radio Tower

Unlike in the summer when Briones clay hardens like stone, Recent rains have made the Briones soil a joy to work with. Taking advantage of a recent .05 inch pour the SOB’s eagerly got back into Radio Tower this past weekend to polish up recent improvements from the summer. We were stoked to find the recent feature work had held up relatively well, even if we did find a small herd of livestock at the top that had clearly stomped up the line necessitating repairs, that frankly, couldn’t have been timed better. With a great crew we made quick work of the cattle and storm damage and were quick to get into shaping and fortifying the features that make Radio Tower the short quick roller ride to rock garden chundra that it is. Note that there are some new additions that need a peek before you go, but know there will always be a ride around. There’s a few fresh berms, and the mid line sender is still a work in progress but all in all a great day on the trail and of course, the taco finish capped off an awesome day of perfect trail maintenance conditions.
We’re still keeping build teams on the smaller side but if you’d like to get involved in a dig day send an email to
We are also looking for sponsors of dig days to help offset the costs associated with providing this volunteer effort. If you’d like to help the cause, please reach out, we’ll be sure to mention any support in the trail report and our posts on social.
Thank you to the East Bay Regional Parks for supporting this effort, the Bicycle Trails Council for the tutelage and awesome team of dedicated volunteers that continue to show up and put in time on the trails. We are all blessed to have some real talent in the effort and the trails in the Pilot Program are a testament to it.